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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Benefits of chocolate

The benefits of dark chocolate have been reported everywhere,including these very pages on numerous occasions. But new findings unveiled at the 247th NationalMeeting andExposition of the American ChemicalSociety reveal one ofthe mechanisms by which cacao works its metabolic magic.

Cocoa powder and dark chocolate contain substances called polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. The problem is, a portion of the larger polyphenols are too big to be absorbed through the stomach wall, but the new findings show that once they reach the colon, gut bacteria – the very same beneficial probiotics we get when we eat yogurt – break the polyphenols down so they get into the bloodstream. This Lessens inflammation of the cardiovascular tissue and may account for why chocolate eaters have a lower risk of stroke.

Just another reason not to feel guilty when you consume that one to two squares a day – andyes, that’s all it takes!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chocolate cookie time

Well as we speed ahead to the festive season, it means it is time for baking cookies and chocolate treats. Pop back soon to se some of my best recipes. In the mean time I have found a recipe which claims to be the best chocolate chip Cooke recipe, we will just have to test it. The recipe can be found here Link

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Easy Chocolate Ganache Recipe

Easy Chocolate Ganache Recipe | How To Make Ganache | Ganache Frosting | Savory Sweet Life - Easy Recipes from an Everyday Home Cook

Chocolate Ganache Recipe 3 Ways
Recipe type: dessert
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Serves: 1.5 cups
Three different ways to use ganache as frosting, filling, and for piping.
  • 12 ounces chocolate, chopped into small pieces
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • optional 3 tablespoons flavored liqueor
  1. Place chocolate pieces in a large bowl. Heat heavy cream on medium high until it comes to a boil. Remove from heat and immediately pour cream over chocolate and stir until completely mixed and glossy. Allow ganache to cool before pouring over cakes as a glaze. The longer you allow the ganache to cool, the thicker it will set. Typically I stick mine in the refrigerator so it is slightly cold before whipping. For piping or frosting, allow the ganache to completely cool and set up. When you are able to spoon the ganache and it can hold its texture, it is ready for piping.